De ti notifikationsbud [Fredagshumor]
Nogle apps har det fint med at være til rådighed, når man skal bruge dem. Andre har det med at sende dig notofikationer i tide og utide. Det kan være lidt af en vildmark at finde rundt i som programmør, men heldigvis er der hjælp på vej.
De fleste koder foregår på engelsk, og derfor er de ti bud for notifikationer også på engelsk – til gengæld er de så ganske underholdende og overraskende præcise.
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Det er Reddit-brugeren el47000, der har modtaget de ti bud og formidlet dem videre. De ti bud, som kan findes i denne Reddit-tråd, er som følger:
1) Thou shalt not nag or remind me to open thy app.
2) Thou shalt have one button to turn off all notifications from thy app, and then if ye wish it, thou may include more fine-grained notification controls.
3) Thou shalt make it easy to set thy app’s notifications to silent, which means no sound and no vibration.
4) Speakingeth of vibration, thou shalt vibrate only when specifically requested, and ye shalt never set notification vibration on by default.
5) Remember: place no icons in my status bar by default, only when I specifically requesteth them.
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6) Thou shalt not make notifications persistent and hard to dismiss without good reason, like if thine notification has an actionable button or something else worthwhile and good.
7) Honor thy limits on repetitive notifications: no more than one notification over a reasonable period of time. Basically, if someone sends me ten messages over a 30 second period, I should get ONE notification, not ten. For cryingeth out loud.
8) Honor thy limits on priority: thine notifications should not be special by default. Only messaging and communication apps should “pop up” by default, everyone else shall remember thine appropriate place and get out of my face.
9) Thou shalt not create custom notification sounds without permission, just use the default notification sound by default.
10) Thou shalt not make your notifications settings inconsistent or hard to find in your app.
Bonus 11th Commandment: If thine app is Candy Crush, thou shalt never notify me nor anyone about my candy crushing.