Google Wave skabte ingen bølge
Jeg husker stadig den dag, jeg fik invitationen: Du inviteres hermed til at deltage som Beta-bruger til Google Wave.
Med bævende hånd på track-pad’en klikkede jeg på linket, og fik arbejdet mig igennem sign-up… og pludselig var jeg dér – LIGE dér hvor teknologiens skarpeste kant var nået til!
Og ganske, forfærdeligt, mutters alene: Ingen af mine venner, kollegaer eller online-kontakter var en del af beta-bølgen, udover den ven der havde inviteret. Så vi lavede en bølge. Og det var da sjovt – Lidt ligesom Facebook uden Farmville og alt det andet fyld.
Men nu er det slut – Google skriver på deres blog:
Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked. We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology for use in other Google projects.
The central parts of the code, as well as the protocols that have driven many of Wave’s innovations, like drag-and-drop and character-by-character live typing, are already available as open source, so customers and partners can continue the innovation we began. In addition, we will work on tools so that users can easily “liberate” their content from Wave.
Wave has taught us a lot, and we are proud of the team for the ways in which they have pushed the boundaries of computer science. We are excited about what they will develop next as we continue to create innovations with the potential to advance technology and the wider web.
Ak ja – all good things must come to an end! Jeg glæder mig også til at se, hvad de finder på næste gang, og indrømmer blankt, at jeg aldrig selv fandt noget konkret at bruge Wave til..