No 4G LTE on iPhone 5 before November
The Nordic mobile-operators have been hit by the overall turndown with the iPhone 5.
The popular smartphone will not work with 4G LTE-networks when the sale begins in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. This might also affect the countries like Germany and United Kingdom.
Apple disappointed a lot of people worldwide with no 4G LTE support in the iPhone 4S, and now the Danes must wait for the 4G LTE support in iPhone 5, even though several carriers support the 1.800 MHz frequencies.
The Nordic carriers were very excited when Apple held the keynote the 12th of September. 4G LTE was supported for most carriers, Apple announced.
The missing 4G LTE took a bite of the Apple.
iPhone 5 HAVE 4G LTE built into the hardware, but Apple does not yet have the software to interact with 4G networks in the Nordic region, and maybe also UK and Germany.
The leading Danish techmedia experiences from trusted sources in the industry that the carriers after testing the iPhone 5 on their networks, have been in dialogue with Apple, who confirms the problems.
For customers, this means that they can’t use 4G data connection on the iPhone 5 when it goes on sale early Friday this week.
-“iPhone 5, will according to Apple get an update within the next 1-2 months that enables it to operate with the 1.800 MHz 4G LTE frequencies we use in Denmark. Our network is ready now,” says sales director, Michael Bech, from Telia Denmark to
Apple have no comments to the problem.